Sunday, May 14, 2017

car raid

For Kayla Bhuiyan's 18th birthday she was given a white 2004 Toyota tacoma truck by her mom and dad as an early graduation gift. Her parents thought it was best to wait to give Kayla the car seeing as she would need a car for college.

"Looking back on it i'm glad my parents waited to give me the car till I was 18, because it tought me the satisfaction of waiting for something i really wanted," said Bhuiyan.

Now Kayla is 23 and still drives the same truck to and from work everyday.

"i've contemplated getting a new car but my tacoma still runs well and gets me from point A, to point B on a day to day basis," says Bhuiyan.

In her car Kayla has an abundance of art supplies including her sketch pad, art supplies box, ruler, and a lap desk.

"yeah i think my car says a lot about me," said Bhuiyan " with all the art supplies you can probably guess my career is in art...Im an architect ."

Apart from the art supplies, a few things you can also find in Kayla's car is an aux cord, a bunch of cassette tapes and CDs all ranging from Michael Jackson to Mac Demarco.

"i'd definitley say music is a huge passion of mine. I have a really broad taste in it as you could probably tell from my CD collection," Bhuiyan says.

One of the coolest parts of Kayla's car is that it has cassette player.

"The cassette player is my favorite part of my car. I like that is has something so old and overlooked now a days, i'm still trying to build up my cassette collection," confesses Bhuiyan.

Kayla has a dream catcher and old necklace hanging from her front mirror to add a bit of pizzaz to her car.

"The dream catcher and necklace were actually both given to me by my high school best friend Rachael, they're very nostalgic to look at now...i think thats why i keep them up", says Bhuiyan.

Overall Kayla Bhuiyan's truck gives a personal insight on who she is as a person. A professional architect, and music lover with a heart for a good momento of the past.

found objects/graffiti shoot

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

HDR photos planning

1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image?
we will be manipulating with the shutter speed and aperture setting on the cameras to create the HDR photos.
2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?

a camera, tripod, and various computer software is needed for HDR photos
3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?

people take HRD photos to show beauty in color and create a higher quality of their photos
4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo?

we can expect a higher quality looking photo, with more saturated color.

final exam planning

1. When will you shoot this assignment?
april 29th
2. Where will you shoot?downtown austin
3. What will you be documenting or telling your "story" about?a day in my life
4. What equipment needs will you have to get this finished?a camera
5. Make sure to describe the process, by this I mean, where will you use the video portion, where will you use still images, where will your narration be, etc?
i will use the video in the intro and outtro, and the pictures through the body of the video.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

opinion writing piece: Harry Styles debut single 'Sign of the Times'

When was the last time the world had seen a transition from being in a teeny bopper boy band to being a solo artist with a new single debuting at #1 on the music charts? if you answered 'not since Justin Timberlake' you'd be right, until now.

Former One Direction member Harry Styles debut solo single was released on April 7th 2017, and since has remained at number one on the pop music charts. Harry Style's single "Sign of the Times" is a catchy tune with old english rock influences;which has landed him mixed reviews from both music fans, and radio music listeners around the globe. Personally, i love "Sign of the Times" and think it is absolutely brilliant.

Since the break up of One Direction myself, as well as other fans have been anticipating this solo release, and to say that we're pleased is an understatement. This was Harrys moment to show he was able a career beyond his time in One Direction, and he couldn't have done a better job.

The sound in "Sign of the Times" is much different one direction ever produced. In the song you can really hear different vocals, musical instruments, and heavy lyrics by Harry;including falsettos, heavy use of drums, constant use of piano through the whole song, and lyrics that have a heavy emotional meaning.All of which were never shown in any of One Directions albums over the 5 years they were together. 

Even in One Direction Harry had always talked about how British rock bands such as The RollingStones were a huge musical influence and a big reason why he had wanted to persue music in the first place, but was never able to produce that kind of rock music in One Direction. Though as a fan its weird for me to hear such a drastic change in Harry music I would be lying if i said that i didn't love 'Sign of the Times'. I really think Harry was really able to make such a beautiful song still potentially  have the live production of a rock song.

I think 'Sign of the Times' is a perfect blend of a song the will make you cry like Adele, but still make you want to dance like The RollingStones.

Over all I think 'Sign of the Times' is song anybody could listen to despite you being 13 or 75, because it can appeal to any music genre, whether it be rock, or pop. This is just the beginning of Harry Styles' solo career and this song was a just a preview of what we can expect from his self titled debut album 'Harry Styles' that is to release on May 12th this year.

opinion writing prep #2

1. What was one idea that the writer gave in the Wide Range of Topics section that you can use as you start deciding on a topic?
fashion trends
2. What was one idea the writer gave in the Opinions Pieces section that you should remember as you are writing your piece?
details about the topic make readers want to keep reading
3. List three suggestions the writer makes in the Personal Essays and Crafts section that you will use as you write.
-make connections
-a good hook is key
-make sure your facts are correct

Thursday, April 20, 2017

final exam preview

1.) Summarize what you watched and read about
i learned how the basics of imovie. editing videos is very important, and perfect one takes dont exist, so most videos we watch are edited.It takes along time to master the functions of iMovie.
Personally cropping, framing,arranging ,and voice over were the most relevant things i learned about. These steps will be the most helpful to my video. Transitions and photo placing will also be beneficial to my movie.
Framing is one of, or if not the most important part of video editing
2.) Tell me one thing that you already knew about iMovie that the website explained
its on mac products
3.) Tell me one thing that you learned new today that you didn’t know before.
how to do a voice over on imovie
4.) What are you concerned about with this final project?
learning to use imovie
5.) What are you confident you can complete early and have ready to use?
video footage
6.) If I asked you today, what do you think you will do for your video?
a day in my life

opinion writing preview

our great tree is worth saving
1. Who wrote the story?
ian miller
2. What is their story about?
why the tree in tree in the court yard in special 
3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
"in my opinion it is absolutely worth the price to save it"
4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
no, hes expressed many reasons why we should save the tree
6. Are there any quotes in the story?
7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

going above the norm for college
1. Who wrote the story?
Jake Brein
2. What is their story about?
we as students should go above and beyond to impress colleges because admission is getting very competitive 
3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
"its about self perseverance and determination to succeed beyond the norm"
4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
yes, he never full addressed his point and used random facts that were irrelevant
6. Are there any quotes in the story?
7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

Importance of Physics 
1. Who wrote the story?
Amy ong
2. What is their story about?
why taking physics is important
3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
"i believe all students should take it"
4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
no, she shared how important physics and why it is
6. Are there any quotes in the story?
7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

immigration laws getting out of hand
1. Who wrote the story?
not stated
2. What is their story about?
since trumps inauguration ICE has been out of control with deporting immigrants 
3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
ICE has been way to harsh especially in Texas because of our proximity to Mexico, trump is to blame.
4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
no, there were many facts about how this is trumps fault, and how the US government was wrong to support her opinion 
6. Are there any quotes in the story?
7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

Betsy Devos unfit to serve as U.S. Secretary of Education
1. Who wrote the story?
reagan wallace
2. What is their story about?
how betsy devos is extremely unqualified to have the role of secretary of education
3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
"she is unqualified to lead"
4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
no, she was very straight forward on Betsy's actions
6. Are there any quotes in the story?
7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

peer review SoM

story reviewed:

Paragraphs - 50 points (371 words)
5 quotes - 25 points (5+ quotes)
Inverted pyramid -20 points (semi used the nut graff)
Extra Credit? - 2
TOTAL = 97%

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

SLO practice

1. In the following, which news value is most clearly represented in the caption below?

Caption: Courtney Suel (left) and Lesia Bridges navigate a flooded Aquarena Springs Drive in San Marcos on Tuesday. One gauge in the city recorded nearly seven inches of rain.

A. Conflict
B. Human Interest
C. Impact
D. Proximity

2. In the following, which news value is most clearly represented in the caption below?

Caption: Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday in Nogales, Ariz: "This is a new era. This is the Trump era. The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our immigration laws....are over."

A. Prominence
B. Human Interest
C. Impact

3. Which of the following is an example of a present tense action verb?

A. painted
B. gets painted
C. paints
D. getting paint

4. What is the most wrong with the following headline?

Headline: Big win

A. The date and the place
B. The background information
C. The lack of a verb

D. The lack of a subject

5. What information is missing from the first sentence of this caption:

Caption: On Wednesday, March 13 senior Sarah Smith captures the flag.

A. The date
B. The location
C. The name of the subject
D. A present tense verb

6. What information is missing from the second sentence of this caption:

Caption: On Wednesday, March 13 senior Sarah Smith captures the flag in the annual senior games event held at Bowie High School. Smith lives at 10405 Johnston St. in Austin.

A. The date of the event
B. A present tense verb
C. Background information about the senior games
D. The name of the subject

Caption Writing:

Please write a correct 2 sentence caption for the following photo - remember that you get to make up all the information, but you still need to follow the correct format as described above:

Canadian president Justin Trudeau welcomes public figure Malala to Canada on April 9 2017 to ensure she got the warm welcome she deserves. This is Malala's first Canadian visit. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

student of the month

In april of 2017 Charlotte Seitz won student of the month at James Bowie High School. All her teachers believe she deserved to win because of her positive attitude and amazing work ethic she constantly puts in.

This semester charlotte seitz has really gotten her grades together, and gone the extra mile in classes that she struggled in a bit last semester.

"i've seen a huge difference in charlotte's grades in my class now that she's been staying after school with me for extra tutoring," chemistry teacher Amy Shan states.

In classes charlotte always has a smile on her face when working with his fellow peers and asking with her teachers.

"Winning student of the month is a big deal and i am not shocked that Charlotte won, with all the hard effort, and good attitude she has i see from her," Principle Susan Leos says.

Other people have other priorities like partys, or sports, but charlottes number one priority is school and making sure she is able to get into a good college.

"yes, school is very important," Student of the month resipient Charlotte Seitz says

Charlotte may not be involved in sports or make straight A's but with her ideal student attitude and respect for her teachers it just shows as to why she was chosen for student of the month. 

"clubs are the only extracariccular  i'm intrested in," says Seitz. 

This award goes to someone with charisma ,extra curriculars and straight a's. 

"She is very selfless, which is one of the many admirable traits about her," her algebra  teacher Madison Garza further says.

Instead of being on social media all the time. Charlotte devotes about 4 hours on homework a night and fully devotes herself to school. 

"sometimes i the homework is a lot to handle,but then i remember my goals, and the happiness ill have if i achieve them and it makes the hard work worth it," seitz says.

Charlotte has high hopes to got to college out of state somewhere in new york city, or washington state when she graduates high school in 2 years. 

"the drive i've see in charlotte lately is so amazing i cant wait to see where the future takes her," Charlotte's mother Connie Seitz says.

Charlotte Seitz is different. She Doesn't like football games and pep rallies but instead perfers to be in clubs that intrest her like earth club, cave club, and science club.

"Its very refreshing now a days to see kids that don't fit into the normal cookie cutter stereotypes of these awards win," an active PTA mom Becky Williams says.

With Charlotte winning student of the month is a real eye opener for kids who feel like they're under appreciated just because they're not on the cheer squad or quarter back on the football team.

"Liam makes an excellent asset to the list of names under 'Student of the Month' we have here at Bowie," priciple Leos states.

nut graff

the nut graf is a vital part of the art of writing. It determines whether or not people are interested i continuing to read your article or not.The most important information is given state what the following story is about.The nut graf is no longer than a paragraph.We use it in features, and news stories.
In order to do the nut graf correctly you MUST include the 5w's (who, what, where, when, and,why), as well as How that were not included on the lead. This strategy acts like a safety blanket for the mistakes you may have made in the lead.

inverted pyramid

Thursday, April 6, 2017

student of the month interview/my first interview

1.Do you think being student of the month corresponds to what kind of student you are?
2.In your opinion what does it take to become student of the month?
the personality you give off ,and your work ethic
3.Do you deserve to be student of the month?
4.How much time do you put into your school work?
4 hours a day in homework
5.Do you know anybody worthy of student of the month?
yes , addisyn hibdon
6.Grade received or time you put in?
time you put in
7.What extracurricular do you do?
im in many clubs
8.How involved are you in you school?
semi involved
9.Do you have plans to further your education?
of course, college is very important to me
10.What is something you strive for?
a high GPA
11.Do you push yourself to take waited classes in school?
12.Is being student of the month important to you?
13.How important is school to you?extremely important
14.Do you feel under appreciated in school by teachers?
no, i received pretty positive attention is classes that i stand out in
15.What makes an ideal student of the month?
good attitude, average or higher grades, puts in work
16.Do you want to be student of the month?
17.How do you think student of the month should be given?(in grade levels,class,overall,etc...)
grade level
18.What kind of student are you?

a good student whose dedicated
19.Do you like your school environment?
20.Do you think there are benefits of being student of the month?


Who -charlotte seitz
What -won student of the month 
Where -@ JBHS
When -april 2017
Why -all of her teachers think she's outstanding
How -she puts in great effort

interviewing basics

Topic: School Uniforms

1. List three to five different sources you could interview for this topic.

-The school board
-School Principle
-School board admistrator

2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each, so you only have to think of 20 total questions.

1.Why the change to uniforms?
2.What impact do you think the uniforms will have?
3.Do you think it will have a positive impact on students overall?
4.What do you think parent will agree with the change to uniforms?
5.Could you think of any positive impacts the uniforms will have on students?
6.Could you think of any negative impacts the uniforms will have on students?
7.How do you think the uniforms will affect students individuality?
8.If students were to boy cot the uniform,what would you do?
9.How do you generally feel about uniforms in general?
10.Yes or No about uniforms?
11.What pops in you head when you think school uniform?
12.Is it fair to force students to wear uniforms on campus but not teachers?
13.How effective do you believe school uniforms will be?
14.Do you think school uniforms are a good way to prevent 'inappropriate' clothing at school?
15.Do you the uniforms were the best way to address clothing issues?
16.Are the uniforms a form of punishment?
17.Did one occurrence spark the idea of uniforms?
18.How do you think uniforms will effect the student bodys as a whole?
19.Did you think about the students reactions before agreeing to enforce uniforms?
20.Are uniforms something that would make you feel confident?

Architecture shoot




