Friday, December 2, 2016


1. What is the origins of the word deadline?around the time of the Civil War
2. What impact will missing today's deadline have on you?Missing deadlines will cause your work to not be graded, and effect your final grade.
3. Have you had issues meeting deadlines in other classes? If so, what consequences did you have for missing those deadlines?no
4. Do you find yourself missing deadlines on a regular basis? If so, what do you think causes you to miss deadlines?i don't really miss deadlines
5. What specifically kept you from meeting today's photo deadline?i dot really have this problem,but if i did it would be do to other school work
6. What do you plan to do to complete this task as quickly as possible so you can earn as much credit as you can?Do it as soon as possible

1. Which of those eight suggestions do you think might help you be more efficient? making a to do list
2. Which of the suggestions is the toughest for you to complete? Why?'don't be afraid to say no' ,because i hate saying no to my friends
3. Are you a morning or night person?morning
3A. What are some of the problems you might run into because you are more productive at certain times of the day?being tired in the evening when i need to do homework because i get up early
4. How can you create a dedicated study time for yourself?set an alarm on my phone at a certain time
5. What are three direct things could you do to eliminate distractions?put my phone away,sit away from other people,put in headphones to eliminate my want to talk

1. Are there any correlations to taking control of your homework and time management?yes, time management and limit of distractions
2. What is your ideal study setting and mood? at my kitchen table with music playing
3. What are your biggest distractions when it comes to studying?my phone and people
4. What three things could you do to help with those distractions?put my phone away,turn my phone on airplane mode so i dont use social media but still listen to music,isolate myself from others.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


cory ryan is a austin photographer who does wedding photos.She does everything from the engagement,engagement party,bridal party,and to the official ceremony.Her wedding photography is like no other, all her photos are interesting and unique.
  For engagement photos she takes the subjects and puts them in interesting places for the photos.Cory creates a feeling of love and excitement through the couples.She really captures their feeling for each other in candid pictures that make you as a viewer feel happy.As well as putting the couples in unique setting that aren't quite like anything else.
    And for the day of the wedding pictures Cory Ryan really stands out and captures every moment.
She gets all the moments to looks so flawless. All the photos from the wedding day are so joyful and have so much movement it makes you feel like youre there with them.
   Over all her photos are extremely beautiful, and capture the moment.

i like that this photo is a silhouette and a unique engagement photo like no other. It followes framing and the rule of thirds but not simplicity.
i like the colors and culture involved in this photo.It follows the rule of simplicity,and backround,but not mergers
i like the background of the photo ,i think it makes in more vibrant and exciting.This photo follows the rule of balance ,but not backround.
i like the sunflower's placement in the photo,they make it interesting and pleasing for me to look at because they're my favorite flower . This photo follows the rule of framing ,but not simplicity.

I like that this photo is candid. This photo does not follow any rules of photography.


1. Why did you pick this image? What caught your eye?
The city in the back caught my eye, i picked it because i thought the fact that the men look so calm while dangling hundreds of feet up in the air is interesting.2. Summarize what you read. How about 2-3 sentences explaining the photo.
Eleven men casually eat and smoke as while sitting on small beam. They are 840 ft. above ground. The picture was taken on the 69th floor of the building.
3. Every photo has some additional information, links, readings, or videos associated. Please tell me what you learned in addition to the actual photo. 
The Men sitting on the beam names were never released.There was 3 photographers present.
4. Look up the photographer. Post this famous image of theirs PLUS one more of theirs that catches your eye. (This means I should see at least 2 photos per post).

5. Find a biography of the photographer and provide the following information:
name:Charles Ebbets
Born:july 14,1978
Birth place:Gadsden,Alabama
Schooling:no schooling
1. Why did you pick this image? What caught your eye?
All the color and overall busy-ness of the photo.2. Summarize what you read. How about 2-3 sentences explaining the photo.
This photo is considered to be ironic because its set at the 99 cent store,but its actually a very valuable photo that costs a lot of money.It held the record for the most contemporary photo for years.3. Every photo has some additional information, links, readings, or videos associated. Please tell me what you learned in addition to the actual photo. 
This photo sold for 2.3 million dollars in an auction4. Look up the photographer. Post this famous image of theirs PLUS one more of theirs that catches your eye. (This means I should see at least 2 photos per post).
5. Find a biography of the photographer and provide the following information:
Andreas GurkskyBorn: January 15, 1995
Born where

Leipzig, Germany
School attended (college or photo school)

Kunstakademie Düsseldorf fine-arts academy

1. Why did you pick this image? What caught your eye?
The number of super stars in this photo caught my eye.2. Summarize what you read. How about 2-3 sentences explaining the photo.
This selfie was taken during the 2014 oscars ellen degeneres was hosting. She walked into the crowd and got some of the biggest actors/actresses to join in like Brad Pitt,Jennifer Lawrence and Meryl Streep etc...3. Every photo has some additional information, links, readings, or videos associated. Please tell me what you learned in addition to the actual photo.
Brad Pitt shares how he made his way into the selfie.4. Look up the photographer. Post this famous image of theirs PLUS one more of theirs that catches your eye. (This means I should see at least 2 photos per post).
Brad pitt has no other photos5. Find a biography of the photographer and provide the following information
Name:Brad Pitt
Born:December 18,1963
Born where:Springfield,Missouri
School attended (college or photo school):no college


1. Why did you pick this image? What caught your eye? i love the beatles & candid photos and both those things are resembles perfectly in this picture,as well as it also showing happy and joyful emotions.
2. Summarize what you read/watched. How about 2-3 sentences explaining the photo.the photographer speaks of how he perceived the beatles. This photo was extremely candid and is simply just a captured moment of the beatles having a good time.
3. Every photo has some additional information, links, readings, or videos associated. Please tell me what you learned in addition to the actual photo. If you need to watch a video, I can come put in my credentials so you can watch, just raise your hands.
The video shares the story behind the story.On a night of tour the beatles were having a pillow fight and Harry Benson happened to be there and was able to catch this moment on his film camera,later that night he developed the picture and it was in the press the next day.
4. Look up the photographer. Post this famous image of theirs PLUS one more of theirs that catches your eye. (This means I should see at least 2 photos per post).

5. Find a biography of the photographer and provide the following information:

Harry Benson 
Birth and death year (if applicable)

Born: December 2, 1929 and is 86. 
Born where

Glasgow, UK 
School attended (college or photo school)

Didnt go to college.

1. Why did you pick this image? What caught your eye?
My loves Obama,and joe biden caught my eye,which is also why i chose it.2. Summarize what you read. How about 2-3 sentences explaining the photo.
This photo was taken while these people were watching the mission to execute Osama Bin Ladan take place.Their faces show the emotion in the room on the topic.3. Every photo has some additional information, links, readings, or videos associated. Please tell me what you learned in addition to the actual photo.
That entire day the white house and president Obama was 100% dedicated the subject matter of the photo.4. Look up the photographer. Post this famous image of theirs PLUS one more of theirs that catches your eye. (This means I should see at least 2 photos per post).
5. Find a biography of the photographer and provide the following information:
Name:pete souza
Born:december 31,1954
Birth Place:New Bedford, Massachusetts
Schooling: Kansas state and Boston University

Tuesday, November 15, 2016



Description: This blog is dedicated to spiral staircases.Specifically Christian Richter finding the beauty in old abandoned staircases.Through angles ,Christian Richter livens up these dead abandoned stair cases and focus the beauty in them.And made that the subject of matter with these photos.

I've learned that through angles the entire photo can change.

a. Why did you pick this photo?  i picked this photo because i like the dusty effect on the staircase,and the metal vine following the staircase upward.
 b. What rules of photography do you see in the photo?the rule leading lines is used in this photo.
c. Who took the photo? Christian Richter

a.    What did you see on the website, describe it in 2-3 sentences?on this website i saw a variety of different staircases.All of which are photographed at interesting angles to find different beauty in each of them.

b.     What did you learn?i learned about how different angles add depth to photos.
c.     How did the site relate to photography? it relates because it  is a photography blog dedicated to 


Description:This blog is dedicated to how to perfect portrait photos. It shares tips on how to make the model efficient and how to make the process as a whole move swiftly.It also shares photo taking tips.

I learned how to make the portrait taking process easy.

 a.Why did you pick this photo? i liked the randomness of the blackberry.
b.What rules of photography do you see in the photo?balancing elements is used in this photo.
c.Who took the photo?Rajib Mukherjee

a.What did you learn new today? i learned more about the process of portrait taking.
b.How can you use this in my class later?i can use these skills on our portrait assignment
c.Did this expand your knowledge of an Adobe computer program? If so tell me the program’s not really.


The website tought me how to shoot time lapses to their fullest potential.Joe was sent to Rio with a promotion from panasonic and shot an absolutely beautiful time lapse of Rio.He shares his how to add diversity and overall steps of shooting time lapses.

I learned how to make a time lapse reach its fullest potential.

a.Describe what you saw in the video.

a time lapse joe capra took of Rio
b.Try to figure out who made the video. If it was a photographer look them up on google and see if you can learn more about them.

Joe Capra took the video
c.If there is a story about the video on the website, paraphrase it in 2-3 sentences.

there was just an interview with photographer,Joe Capra Where he answered questions.
d.What did you learn new?

That time lapse is a form of photography and extremely hard to perfect.


Description:On this website i learned about the process of shooting such old subjects. Rachel Sussman shares how she picks what she is going to shoot it.She gives tips on how to make the subjects reach their fullst potential in the photo.

i learned the process and cautions about shooting such old nature.

a. Why did you pick this photo?
i was drawn to the vibrancy of the water,and the differences in color of the rocks in the back.
b. What rules of photography do you see in the photo?

creating dept
c. Who took the photo?

Rachael Sussman
a. What did you see on the website, describe it in 2-3 sentences?
Rachel Sussman shoots pictures of the oldest nature she can find.Rachel travels around the world to capture her work.
b. What did you learn?

i learned about her research process.
c. How did the site relate to photography?

it's a site for her to document her photography.


Description:This website shares how to take 6 various photography skills.Specifially, tilt shift photo, forced perspective photo, a long exposure landscape photo, digital infrared photo, a double exposure portrait photo, and a 360 degree polar panorama are shared.Steps and tricks are given to get these photos to fullest potential.

I learned how to take tilt shift photos, forced perspective photos, a long exposure landscape photos, digital infrared photos, a double exposure portrait photos, and a 360 degree polar panorama.

a. Why did you pick this photo?
i liked the colors used
b. What rules of photography do you see in the photo?
creating depth
c. Who took the photo?
a.What did you learn new today?
i learned 6 new photography skills
b.How can you use this in my class later?

i think these skills are ones that will be good for when i advance to commercial photography
c.Did this expand your knowledge of an Adobe computer program? If so tell me the program’s name is.

not really


In my group our theme was portraits of people ,whether it be friends,family,or strangers.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Magazines Part 2

 Image Based-the image based magazine ,has a cover with one or few people on the cover. These magazines use the cover image to draw in the buyers. It is the most common magazine type used.

Illustration Based-this is the least common magazine base used. It is a cover that is hand drawn,or computer drawn on a magazine cover. Companies still often use these to separate themselves from others.

Type Based-these covers are a blank backround with font written text on them.They have no images on them ,making the words powerful and prominent.The main focus is the words so they are always curt and bold.

Concept Based-These magazines are mix of all the types stated above ,and are typically humorous. But since it it is a hybrid of three magazine types it has to formatted right,and easy to understand. 

what is the relationship between words and photos on magazine covers and why is this important? The images are there to tell the story and the words act as a follow up to 100% what the photos are meant to portray.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


I'm drawn to this cover because ,though their a lot of color,it is still simple.With Elle Fanning being on the cover ,they had a complete blank versatile human canvas and make it what they want,and that what they.And seeing as this is the spring issue the multi colored flowers in her hair fit this issue of the magazine very well. 
And as for lighting/exposure ,the lighting angle on Elle Fanning's face further livens up the cover.It creates a further contrast between her face the back round ,making her stick out as the vocal point more.


